Creating a connection

Authentication methods

API Access Token

This authentication method requires 4 parameters:

  1. Your shop name.

  2. An API Access Token.

  3. Selected API Version.

  4. User Tier.

To obtain your shop name:

  1. Visit your store page.

  2. Click on Settings on the bottom left of your main store page.

  3. Copy down your shop name as shown in the screenshot below. Note: Each domain will end with, including custom domains.

To generate your API Access Token:

  1. Visit your store page.

  2. Click on Settings on the bottom left of your main store page.

  3. In Settings, click on Apps and sales channels.

  4. Click on Develop apps.

  1. Click on Allow Custom App Development for both this page and the next.

  1. After activating custom app development, click on Create an app.

  1. In the popup window, fill in the App name to your desired name to identify this app and click Create App.

  2. Select the Configuration tab.

  3. Under Admin API Integration, select Configure.

  4. The access scopes below are required for the Shopify Plugin to function. However, some other scopes might be required for particular data.

    1. Customers (write_customers, read_customers)

    2. Products (write_products, read_products)

    3. Orders (write_orders, read_orders)

    4. Fulfillment (write_fulfilments, read_fulfillments)

  5. Under Webhook Subscription, note down your Event version. You do not need to change this value. This will be your API Version.

  1. Click Save.

  2. On the top right of the page, click Install app and proceed with the installation.

  3. This should generate an API Access Token. Copy it down as you will need it later. Note: this token is only viewable once.

You may come across an API key and API secret key field under API Credentials. This is not your API Access Token that will be used to create a connection. The API Access Token is no longer viewable after it is first generated, so be sure to save it somewhere where you can refer to it later if you ever need to reset the connection.

To obtain your API version:

This requires you to have created and installed your app.

  1. Visit your store page

  2. Click on Settings on the bottom left of your main store page.

  3. In Settings, click on Apps and sales channels.

  4. Click on Develop apps.

  5. Click on the app you have developed.

  6. Click on the Configuration tab.

  7. Under Webhook Version, refer to the API version.

To obtain your User Tier:

  1. Visit your store page

  2. Click on Settings on the bottom left of your main store page.

  3. In Settings, click on Plan.

  4. In this page, you may view what plan you are using.

    1. For Basic and Shopify plans, you are to select Standard when creating the connection between Omnata and Shopify.

    2. For Advanced plans, you are to select Advanced when creating the connection between Omnata and Shopify.

    3. For Plus plans, you are to select Shopify Plus when creating the connection between Omnata and Shopify.

    4. For Enterprise plans, you are to select Enterprise when creating the connection between Omnata and Shopify.

Inbound Syncs

The following streams for these objects are supported:

Outbound Syncs

Supported Outbound sync strategies: Create, Update, Upsert, Delete

The following streams for these objects are supported:

  • customer

    • Create - Creates a new customer.

    • Update - Updates an existing customer's information.

    • Upsert - Creates a new customer or updates an existing customer's information.

    • Delete - Deletes an existing customer.

Existing customers cannot be deleted if they have a pending order.

  • products

    • Create - Creates a new product.

    • Update - Updates an existing product's information.

    • Upsert - Creates a new product or updates an existing product's information.

    • Delete - Deletes an existing product.

  • orders

    • Create - Creates an order.

    • Update - Updates an existing order's information.

    • Upsert - Creates an order or updates an existing order's information.

    • Delete - Deletes an existing order.

  • fulfillments

    • Create - Fulfills an existing unfulfilled order.

    • Update - Updates an existing fulfillment's information.

    • Upsert - Fulfills an existing unfulfilled order or updates an existing fulfillment's information.

    • Delete - Cancels an already fulfilled order.

Last updated