Salesforce Caching
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When configuring a Data Warehouse Connection, you should always leave Disable Cache unchecked:
The only reason this even exists as an option is that some sandboxes don't have any platform cache, and we figured a slower Omnata trial is better than no trial at all.
When Omnata converts data from your data warehouse into Salesforce types (and vice versa), it needs to know the schema of the data warehouse tables. This information is needed for every single data warehouse interaction, so the Salesforce Platform Cache is the most sensible place to store it.
Whenever a query is ran, Omnata will check to see if the cache is populated with the metadata it needs. If not, it will run a query which fetches data from the Information Schema of your data warehouse, and use this information to repopulate the cache before continuing.
For this reason, it is normal to see the occasional information schema query hitting your data warehouse. For example, if Apex classes are modified in Salesforce, the platform cache is automatically cleared. There may be other undocumented situations where this occurs.
However, if you see that most or all queries for data are preceeded by an information schema query, then something is wrong.
You can use Salesforce's Cache Diagnostics Page to examine the extent to which caching is being used.
As per this page, you should:
On the Platform Cache Partition page, find the "omnata_sf" cache partition and click on the Name ("metadata"):
First, confirm that the Total number for the Org Cache Allocation is greater than 0 (otherwise this indicates it wasn't allocated correctly during setup). Then, click on the Diagnostics shortcut for the Org Cache Allocation:
This will take you to the Org Cache Diagnostics screen. Assuming you have accessed your data warehouse data recently, you should your Omnata connection name as one of the keys in the list. As you continue to access data (click around list views, etc), you should see the Access Count column increase:
If instead, you see the value starting again from zero, it indicates that the cache is being re-written. Contact Omnata Support and we can help to determine the cause of this.
Enable Cache Diagnostics for your user, on the User Detail page: