Google Ads

Understand your ad campaign performance


Connecting to the Google Ads API requires:

  1. Obtain a Google Ads Developer token Follow the Google documentation which takes you through two steps:

    1. Select or create a Google Ads manager account

    2. Apply for access to the Google Ads API

You can see if your access is complete by searching 'Google Ads API' in the Google Cloud universal search bar

Authentication methods

OAuth (User Created)

This method uses your own Google Project to authorize access, and is the most secure method since your own OAuth credentials are used.

To generate credentials:

  1. Click "Create Credentials" and choose "OAuth Client ID" as the type

  2. Choose "Web Application" as the application type

  3. Add a redirect URI of the form https://apps-api.c1.<region>.<cloud-vendor>

If you're unsure what value to for the redirect URI, the following Snowflake query will construct it for your account: select 'https://'||t.value:host::varchar||'/oauth/complete-secret' as URI from table(flatten(input => parse_json(system$allowlist()))) as t where t.value:host::varchar LIKE 'apps-api%';

  1. Click Create, and use the generated Client ID and Secret during Omnata connection creation.

  1. In the Omnata App, Create a Connection and follow the instructions to create and authorise the integration.

Inbound Syncs

  • Campaign

  • Metrics

Supported Sync Strategies

  • Incremental

  • Full-refresh

Outbound Syncs

Coming soon...

Last updated