
Salesforce is the world's #1 CRM platform

Authentication methods


Use your username, password, and security token to authenticate as a user.

If you don't know your security token, see the Salesforce docs for instructions on how to reset it.

OAuth (Authorization Code)

Omnata does not provide a centralized OAuth app for all customers to use. Instead, you will create a private Connected App within your Salesforce instance.

Use the following settings:

  • Connected App Name: Omnata Sync

  • Contact email: Chose any internal email

  • Enable OAuth Settings: checked

  • Callback URL: To determine the callback URL for your Snowflake account, run the following SQL: select 'https://'||t.value:host::varchar||'/oauth/complete-secret' as URI from table(flatten(input => parse_json(system$allowlist()))) as t where t.value:host::varchar LIKE 'apps-api%';

  • Selected OAuth Scopes: Manage user data via APIs (api)

  • Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows: unchecked

  • Enable Authorization Code and Credentials Flow: checked

  • Require user credentials in the POST body for Authorization Code and Credentials Flow: checked

To find your Consumer Secret and Key, navigate to "View" on the Connected App, and then click the "Manage Consumer Details" button.

During the connection configuration process, you will be asked for:

  • Login URL: This is either or, depending on whether it's a production or non-production environment.

  • Instance URL: This is the base URL for your org and is based on your domain. E.g. for a production org, or for a scratch org.

Inbound Syncs

Supported Sync Strategies

  • Full Refresh - Replace

  • Full Refresh - Append

  • Incremental - Append

  • Incremental - Merge

Supported Streams

The following objects are supported:

There are some objects that appear in the global describe() results that are not valid for syncing, for various reasons:

  • Any object ending in "ChangeEvent" is not allowed to be queried

  • Certain objects don't support fetching via the query API, and some can only be fetched as a nested result in another object type

  • If there is a particular object missing from the list which you expect to be able to sync, please get in touch at

Each object is synced as a separate stream and appears as a separate table in Snowflake.

The available objects are determined by Salesforce access rules:

  • The roles and permissions of the authenticated Salesforce user

  • The Salesforce object must be accessible with the "queryable" property set to true.

Outbound Syncs

Supported Targets

  • Standard Objects

  • Custom Objects

Supported Sync Strategies

Last updated